Saturday 27 March 2010

Quick Overview of filming work

This post will be a quick overview of the problems we encountered during filming, also discussing the positive things we have learnt.

Whilst filming we found out that some scenes would require a lot of planning to do. We had to re-film some of the scenes again because of the change in lighting or the position of the character did not match in matched shots. At one point the character Emily's clothing changed so we had to re-film. In order to reduce these mistakes we planned ahead of what we would do for each filming day, looked back on what we filmed and discussed with all the group how we could improve the clip.

We found out during the filming work that it was hard to have everyone available to work as most of filming was done after college hours, also the location was quite far to get to.

We learnt how to use different shots to make the clips link effectively, we also added more shots during filming to make the film seem more suited to the horror genre we added close ups of objects.