Thursday 11 February 2010

Introduction of our main task

Draft of shot list

1) Black screen as titles are shown, we will show who is starred in the film, the director and who is assoccitated in the film. The title will not appear yet.

2) From the black screen an eerie sound bridge is going to be used to connect this to where we first see Emily, Also a fade into this scene will be used to connect the scenes seamlessly. Emily will be shown by using a mid shot.

3) There will be a wide shot of Emily on the swing while we also see the surroundings.

4) There will be another mid shot of Emily on the swing and this scene will lead on to the next scene.

5)Here we have a close up of Emily's face as she is walking to a grave and a tracking shot will be used after the close up.

6) There will be an over the shoulder shot of Emily looking into the graveyard.

7) Point of view shot of looking at the graveyard

8) Close up of her feet while walking

9) Distance point of view shot (camera is shaky) NB. someone else is watching her

10) Close up on Emily's face (capturing her reaction)

11) Long shot of her running (camera is behind her)

12) Point of view running

13) midshot of her coming out of graveyard, panting

14) fade

15) over the shoulder shot of Emily opening the door

16) mid shot of her coming in the door (match cut)

17) mid shot of mum watching tv

18) mid shot back to Emily walking up the stairs

19) mid shot back to mom standing up

20) mid shot of Emily closing her bedroom door (camera follows her to the window)

21) low angle shot of Emily looking through her bedroom window (the camera is outside)

22) mid shot of Emily shutting her curtains very quickly

23) Emily walks over to her bed and pull out a box (over the shoulder shot)

24) low angle of Emily opening the box

25) panning of the camera towards the door as Emily hears her mother's voice

26) close up on her mother

27) mid shot of Emily putting the box back under the bed

28) there is a side shot/close up of Emily looking back out of the window

29) over the shoulder shot of Emily, turns around looking angry

30) close up of her hand pulling her drawer open and grabbing a pen and paper

31) over the shoulder shot (but the viewers cannot see the paper) of Emily drawing violently

32) low angle of Emily as the camera captures her expression while her mom shouts her name out again)

33) high angle shot of her mom looking up the stairs

34) mid shot of her mom signing (the camera is on the same level as her) and walking away from the stairs. She hears a bang from Emily's room and pauses

35) mid shot of Emily's door while still hearing bangs

36) high angle shot of Emily's mom coming up the stairs

37) wide shot focusing on Emily (her room is became messy) standing up very quickly and getting out of her room)

38) camera zooms to her drawing

39) black screen with the title of the film (Emily...)

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