Sunday 9 May 2010

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The primary audience for our media product is late teens and adults. As the genre comes under psychological thriller it would contain dark and distressing scenes which would be inappropriate for children under 15 years of age. Similarly, the film Orphan is also rated 15 for the same reasons, as both Orphan and our product also contain elements of drama and horror. Our target audience in terms of gender would be predominantly women and girls in their late teens. This is because the protagonist is a female; with the film being based around her life. However, 'Thrillers' and 'Horrors', largely have a target audience of men. Therefore, because of the films genre, it would also attract a lot of male spectators as well as female. Because the genre is a psychological thriller, our product is aimed at a niche audience. People with specific interests in elements such as mystery, drama and process of the mind would have interest in the film. However, this would be a smaller audience with more unique taste, rather than the majority audience who have more interest in romantic-comedies and dramas, in which they can relate to.

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