Monday 19 April 2010

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film opening introduces a young girl who is the main protagonist. The opening of the film revolves around her dark life and problems that she is facing. To approach this matter, we used a character of the age of 11 and a female to create a vulnerable character but with a deep underlying psychological traumatic past. However, it is not clear to the audience as to why she is experiencing these supernatural events. Another reason why we chose a young girl to be the main character is to create the effect that is similarly done in ‘Orphan’ and ‘Knowing’ where the whole film plot is affected by a young girl’s actions thus we try emphasise her significance. Coming back to the point about vulnerability, we amplified the vulnerability of this girl through school uniform. The school uniform symbolises the tender age of the character and therefore we associate her with innocence. This is an influential contrast between the dark past of the character and how she is portrayed with the school uniform. Therefore, if you bring two contradictory aspects together, it can challenge how people are seen in society especially a young girl. Furthermore, our film opening opens with a graveyard scene. This scene has great importance to the ways the character is portrayed. A school girl entering a graveyard and having a strange connection to a grave represents her in a different light because the visit to the graveyard connects to her dark past. The audience won’t know that at this point but in some ways it illustrates that she is autonomous and capable to tackle her own problems. At the age of 11, this is unexpected meaning that our media product challenges the stereotypes that people may have about young people. In addition, the opening of a film could be regarded as the most important part of the film as it shapes the plot of the rest of the film. In our opening production, we focused only on the character meaning that there is no involvement from other characters. This is vital as it demonstrates the importance of the character because the whole opening focuses on her. Immediately, we understand her significance to the story and how the rest of the story plot depends on her behaviour. The title of our film opening is Emily. We used the character’s name as a title to make it clear that she is the lead character which again showing her importance. In conclusion, our media product represents a young girl in a positive light even though the story plot revolves around her mysterious life. Even though it is not clear from watching our film opening that the character has great importance in the rest of the film, we have challenged a lot of stereotypical views regarding the age of someone. Our film opening explores a traumatic past of a young girl who is haunted by a memory from her past and we approached this subject in a very subtle way. This is because we did not want to overcomplicate the situation thus meaning that we left hints all the way through the opening of the film so that the audience themselves can figure it out.

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