Monday 19 April 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the process of constructing our product, our group learnt about different technologies, in particular when using the camera and editing software. We learnt how to use new elements of the camera, such as a variety of interesting shots that will be suitable for the mood of the film. Gradually, we became more comfortable with filming and produced more creative shots. Knowing how to use the camera and editing software meant that we could be adventurous and daring with what footage we had to film. For example in the graveyard scene one member of the group climbed up a tree in order to create a low angle shot, making Emily look more inferior to her surroundings.
In our original plan we decided to have a scene at the beginning where Emily was on the swings in the park. However, while editing we realised and came to the conclusion that this scene didn’t fit in as it was too lengthy and it didn’t flow seamlessly into the next scene. So we deleted it so our film opening can run smoothly.
Another device that we used was the sound track for the film. Because it was raining one day when we were filming we put the diegetic raining sound high so we could get a feeling of the atmosphere and it gives the film more tension. Also we realised that the weather is an important part of our film, therefore when we captured our piece we realised that the lighting wasn’t continuous. To tackle this problem we toned down the lighting of some parts of the film. This increased the continuity to make the film appear as it was filmed in the same day.
Furthermore there have been a lot of times where we filmed something and when we edited it, it did not fit in with the rest of the film. Therefore we learnt to film as many times as we could to use different angles so that when it comes to editing it we have enough footage to rely on.
In conclusion, this experience taught us how technology (editing software) can be used to create a specific effect that we want such as the sound, lighting etc. Learning how to use the technology and software’s really helped us in the process of construction for our final project and made us aware of the errors we made and helped us realise what to do if we use the software’s again.

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